There are a lot of core functions that we do here at SRTC, but one that encompasses all of them is public outreach. Whether we are working on a long-range transportation plan, doing a study on how transportation functions in a particular area, or allocating money to area projects and programs, we are charged with informing members of the public about it.
The ways we do this can take many forms- posting documents on the SRTC website, social media posts, speaking to special interest and community groups, having tables or booths at area festivals and events, sending out email blasts or putting together newsletters.
SRTC’s Public Participation Plan (PPP) guides how we conduct outreach and the tools we use to do it. The PPP has recently been updated to reflect new staff at the agency, and new technology and strategies that are used to reach out to everyday folks. Some of the things it includes are:
- SRTC’s structure and the role employees play in public outreach
- Barriers to outreach that make it hard to contact some populations
- How the PPP is evaluated to gauge its level of effectiveness
- How feedback from the public is solicited and how each comment is treated
- Ways members of the public can be involved in SRTC’s planning process
- How/where to find SRTC documents, plans, studies and more
- How members of the public are notified of SRTC’s activities
Because we take your thoughts/comments/opinions very seriously here, we are looking for input on the PPP. Maybe you have some ideas on what are the best ways you like to be contacted or have reasons you choose not to be involved. Possibly you know of new technology that we’re not currently using but should be. Or maybe you just want to say “this works, but this doesn’t for me.” Whatever your thoughts are, we would like to hear them.
So start by reviewing the Public Participation Plan here, then get back to us about what can be improved and if we are on the right track. You can do that by commenting on this post, emailing, mailing to SRTC at 421 W. Riverside, Suite 500, Spokane, WA 99201 or by calling (509) 343-6370. You have until November 15 to get comments in but the sooner the better.