Thank you for participating!
The regional Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated and we appreciate your feedback.

Commute Trip Reduction
Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) is a statewide initiative to address growing concerns surrounding air pollution, gas consumption, and traffic congestion. A major part of this program is aimed at decreasing the number of drive alone trips by encouraging commuters to use other transportation methods such as riding the bus/transit, carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, walking and working from home/teleworking when possible.
Every four years, SRTC works with our region’s plan implementer, Commute Smart Northwest (Spokane County) and participating member agencies to update the region’s CTR Plan. Participating local agencies also adopt CTR Plans for their respective cities. This process is currently underway in 2024.
As part of this process, local agency plans are submitted to SRTC by September 30. In October and November, SRTC will review local agency CTR Plans and work with local agencies to ensure that all plans are regionally consistent. SRTC then sends its regional CTR Plan and all local plans to the TDM Technical Committee no later than December 1. The TDM Technical Committee will review plans throughout the winter and work with local and regional agencies as needed.
Once the new plans are approved by the state TDM Technical Committee, they must be adopted by each agency’s legislative body no later than June 30, 2025. In accord with that timeline, SRTC will seek Board approval of the regionwide CTR plan in spring 2025. The new plans will take effect on July 1, 2025, and run through June 30, 2029.
Study Partners
Other Important Information
Commute Trip Reduction Partners
Local agencies participating in the Commute Trip Reduction program, include the City of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Liberty Lake, Medical Lake, Cheney and Spokane County. The Spokane Transit Authority also contributes to developing the Commute Trip Reduction plan. Finally, CommuteSmart Northwest also assists in developing the plan and executes the CommuteSmart employer program.
Additional Resources
Public Outreach
Thank you for engaging with SRTC about CTR! Although no new events are planned for 2024, you can always reach out to us about CTR through the contact information below.
Here are some of the events SRTC attended this year:
- April 20 | Spokane Bike Swap
- May 11 | Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Festival
- June 1 | Felts Field Neighbor Day
- June 10 | STA TDP Public Open House
- June 15 | Juneteenth Community Celebration
- June 18 | Summer Parkways
- June 22 | Liberty Lake Farmer’s Market
- August 8 | STA Plaza Kiosk
- August 17 | Unity in the Community
- August 21 | CTR Virtual Open House
- August 31 | El Mercadito
Contact Us
SRTC Project Manager: Michael Redlinger | (509) 343-6377
SRTC Staff Support: Ben Kloskey | (509) 343-6388
TDM Manager, Spokane County & CommuteSmart Northwest: LeAnn Yamaoto | (509) 477-7674