Comprehensive Plan Review Process

As the Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) for Spokane County, SRTC is required by the 1990 Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) to ensure that local and regional transportation plans coordinate with and are consistent with each other.

As defined in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), including the GMA, duties of an RTPO include certification that Countywide Planning Policies (CWPP) and the transportation elements of local comprehensive plans are consistent with the regional transportation plan, Horizon 2045, GMA planning requirements, and RCW guidelines and principles related to regional transportation planning. “Consistent” means that no feature of a plan or regulation is incompatible with any other feature of a plan or regulation.

Periodically, jurisdictions must review their comprehensive plan and regulations to comply with any relevant changes in the GMA and to accommodate updated growth targets. The GMA requires comprehensive plan updates every eight years. The State requires for Spokane County jurisdictions that the current update be completed on or before June 30, 2017.

As the CWPP and comprehensive plan updates and amendments are completed and provided to SRTC, staff will review them using plan review and certification checklists (see appendices D, E, and F within SRTC’s Plan Review and Certification Process Instruction Manual*). Once the staff review is completed, the SRTC Board will take certification action for comprehensive plans and the CWPP based on consistency.

* For a Word version of this document, please email or call (509) 343-6370.

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