An update on bike lanes on Crestline. Below is what the City’s new Bike Plan says should or will eventually be on Crestline:
Crestline runs the length of the City and has several different bike facilities;
– Crestline from Magnesium to Francis is designated as bike lanes
– Francis to Empire is designated as Marked/Shared Roadway
– Empire to Illinois is designated Bike Lane
– Crestline between 37th and 57th is designated Shared Roadway.
Currently, the only bike lane actually in place on Crestline is between Magnesium and Francis. The rest are waiting for funding. And the City is actively seeking funding- both for on Crestline and many other streets within the City. It’s usually based on a project-by-project basis though, so even if money does become available, it doesn’t mean Crestline will be first up to receive its’ bike lane.
For any follow up questions regarding bike lanes in the City of Spokane, contact Bike and Pedestrian Coordinator Grant Wencel through email by clicking here.
Marked/shared roadway?? I guess they used invisible paint to do the marking.
It's been quite a while since I've been up there Charles so I don't remember exactly what is 'marked' between Francis and Empire. I'll have to get up there and take a look. 'Shared roadways' aren't marked so that make sense, but 'marked' implies that at least part of it is. So nothing in that stretch is marked that you have noticed?
There is no markings from Francis to Illinois, no signs, nothing. So I guess it is just a shared roadway.
I just put in another call to clarify this and will report back as soon as I hear back.