You’ve heard of the ‘Adopt a Road’ program. Well, how about adopting a bike lane? That’s a program that Bike to Work Barb suggested over on the Cycling Spokane blog. The best part? A City of Spokane official commented on it, saying they’ve had similar programs with other types of right of way, so maybe it would be a possibility!
If this program were to become a reality, would you adopt a bike lane and keep it clean?
If a street sweeper is sweeping streets, the bike lane is not hard to maintain.
Not neccesarily true in Spokane. The streets get swept, but due to a variety of reasons (mostly funding), it's not very often. The City required to sweep all arterials street three times a year and all residential streets at least twice a year, but after that crews usually have other work to perform.
The other issue is that a lot of people park in bike lanes around here. Or put there trash in it on garbage pickup day. OR… it goes on and on.
So whomever adopts a bike lane would also be in charge of leaving notes on cars, etc. to educate people on the proper use of the bike lane.
Another name for bike lanes: The debris field. As cars pass, they create air pressure that sweeps all the junk off the main lane to the side, so everything ends up next to the curb.