Many people aren’t familiar with SRTC and what we do because our role in the transportation game comes before heavy equipment is ever rolled into a neighborhood to pave a street or fix sidewalks.

We distribute state and federal funds to local transportation projects. This often happens years before the project is ever constructed, due to state and federal requirements. 

The good news about this process is that you can also know a few years in advance what’s coming up and let us know if you think it’s a good use of public tax dollars. How do you find out what’s on the schedule for coming years?

The draft 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a document that lists federally and/or regionally significant transportation improvements proposed to be constructed or undertaken during the upcoming four years. The big change to the TIP each year (besides the date on the cover) is that we add new projects annually.

Check out the TIP at to see what’s slated for construction or implementation. Then give us your feedback. You can either do that by attending a public meeting Wednesday, September 24 from 4-6 p.m. at 221 W. 1st Ave., Suite 310 or you can email them to, mail to SRTC at the address above, or phone them in to (509) 343-6370.

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