So April is going to be a little different when it comes to the monthly SRTC Policy Board meeting. We’re going to get a little crazy and take it off-site AND combine it with a retreat for Board members.
The meeting/retreat will be held on the same day as usual- the second Tuesday of the month, April 10, at
Enduris in Airway Heights, 1610 S. Technology Rd.
The meeting will be conducted in two parts. An abbreviated
regular public meeting starts at 1 p.m. to address normal Board business. It will be followed immediately
followed by the retreat, which will be facilitated by Dr. John S. Caputo of Gonzaga University, who will lead a discussion/training on “Managing in Turbulent Times.” 
As are all SRTC committee meetings, both parts of this meeting will be open to the public although the public will not be actively involved in the retreat segment. So feel free to attend. Dr. Caputo facilitated our staff retreat recently and it was really insightful. Plus he’s a funny guy who makes it interesting.
More information can be found at or
by calling 509/343-6370.

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