- A project to reduce Spokane Falls Blvd. from Division to Sherman streets to one lane of travel in each direction, add bike lanes, and landscaped median starts today. Additionally, water main and stormwater pipes will be replaced. During construction, Spokane Falls Blvd. from Division to Sherman streets will be closed. The detour is Sherman St. onto Martin Luther King Jr. Way. This work is being done as part of the larger plan to make the Riverpoint Campus in the University District more pedestrian friendly by adding traffic calming features and moving through traffic onto Martin Luther King Jr. Way. The $1.16 million project is funded by federal funds.
- A project to repair Cook St. from Empire to Rich avenues using a grind and overlay treatment and associated stormwater repairs also starts today. Cook St. from Empire to Rich avenues will be closed.The $160,240 project is being funded by the Transportation Benefit District and the City Wastewater Department.
This project is great and I know for sure that it will be very beneficial to everyone.