It’s that time again- time for our monthly amendment to the 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP is a programming document that identifies projects proposed to be undertaken or constructed during the upcoming four years. It includes project names and descriptions, the jurisdiction sponsoring them, funding attached to each project, and where the funding came from (local, state or federal funds).
The amendments aren’t actually monthly, but we do have them often. That’s because the status of projects is constantly changing. Some get additional funding through local, state or federal calls for projects; others lose funding because they didn’t move through the process soon enough; and the scope of some projects change as engineering is done and reveals the original design may need a little altering.
The amendment proposed this time around includes adding three Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) projects to the TIP that recently received Surface Transportation Program (STP) and National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) funds:
SR 290/Sullivan Rd to Idaho State Line – Paving
I-90/Lincoln Co Line to Salnave Rd – Paving
SR 904/Betz Rd to I-90 – Paving
More details on these projects, the TIP in general, and the amendment to it, are on the home page of the SRTC website at
So why do you care? Because we want to hear from you whether these projects are the best use of funds.
A public comment period for the proposed amendment starts June 14, 2013 and we encourage you to submit your thoughts. All comments must be received by June 29, 2013. Comments can be submitted by emailing to, mailed to SRTC at 221 W. First Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA, or by calling (509) 343-6370.