A big thanks to the Spokesman-Review’s “Getting There” column for helping us publicize our new 2014 Spokane Regional Road Construction Map in today’s edition of the paper. The map has construction projects from all the jurisdictions across the county on it, and descriptions of what each project will accomplish. Here’s a direct link to the map. Keep in mind that if you’re viewing it in an older version of Internet Explorer, some of the project descriptions won’t show up. Try Chrome, Firefox or Mozilla as an aternative.
Also in today’s Getting There column, a staff member at our member agency Spokane Transit is recognized with an award, slowdowns are expected this week on Snoqualmie Pass, an expert on traffic is coming to the area to talk about a report on the potential increase in rail traffic through the Inland Northwest as a result of coal shipments from Montana and Wyoming, studded tires need to come off your car and more! Enjoy!