They deal with transportation and we deal with transportation right? So it seemed to make sense that we join forces for a public open house so people can get information on both of our plans at one place, and see how they work together.
So mark your calendar. Next Wednesday, April 10 is the open house. STA will fill you in on their proposed High Performance Transit Network while we’ll be talking about the area’s where we feel transportation funds should be spent in the area over the next 20+ years.
The open house is at the Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Because it is an open house format, you can come anytime during that timeframe that works for you.
Here’s a little more info in case you need it. See you Wednesday.
We’ve been working on Horizon 2040 for about a year now at SRTC, our long term plan for the future of transportation in Spokane County. We’re not the only ones looking down the road though. Spokane Transit is also going through a comprehensive planning process with their “STA Moving Forward” initiative.