Wall Street Construction Complete- Wall Street will be opening all lanes to traffic again today.
Work Begins on Springfield Lift Station-Springfield Lift Station construction starts on Friday, June, 14. There will be impact to the traffic on Springfield between North Columbus Street and North Superior Street. A lift station is a tank to pump up water or sewer to a higher elevation.
City of Spokane/Kendall Yards Joint Stormwater Facility and Monroe Street Bridge- Excavation for Monroe Street continues. The project is a combined effort between City of Spokane and Greenstone Communities Development. The project consists of re-routing the storm water infrastructure within Monroe Street. Water will be plumbed to the new underground facility. The construction of the facility is a buried concrete structure that is 56’ long and 31’ wide and 23.5’ deep. Within the facility are four submersible pumps that will pump the effluences through a force main to a filtration/evaporation pond on the Kendall Yards property. Monroe Street Bridge is closed from June 3 to June 17, during the construction.
Division St. DMS, Maple/Ash ITS and 3rd Ave. ITS work begins June 10- This project involves the construction of digital information signs over the roadway at 9 locations. There will be intermittent lane closures at these locations during installation now through mid-September in these locations:
• Waverly Place and Division
• Gordon and Division
• Joseph and Division
• Broadway and Maple
• Dean and Maple
• Country Holmes Boulevard and Cedar
• 3rd and Adams
• 3rd and Bernard
Rockwood Blvd. Rehabilitation- A project to rehabilitate Rockwood Boulevard from Cowley to Southeast Boulevard and Upper Terrace Road from Rockwood Boulevard to 17th Avenue continues. Work currently is being done on Rockwood from Southeast Blvd to Garfield and on Upper Terrace Road. Those sections are closed to traffic.
Queen Residential Rehabilitation- The Queen residential rehabilitation project continues. The project will rehabilitate Queen, Crow, and Olympic avenues from A to Nettleton streets, and Milton and Nettleton streets from Olympic to Rowan Avenues. The project will continue until early July.
Third Ave. from Division to Arthur- Work to rehabilitate Third Avenue from Division east to Arthur continues. The project also includes replacing a 12-inch water main. One lane of traffic will remain open during construction, and local access to businesses will be maintained. Work will continue into October.
Francis Ave. from Division to Crestline-Work on the Division to Crestline section is expected later in the summer. This project will include installation of curb ramps as needed.
Spruce from Latah Bridge to Inland Empire Way- This residential street project is nearly done. The streets have reopened to traffic. Landscaping, sprinkler repair and minor work will continue.
Crack Sealing- The residential crack seal crew is continuing in the Wind River Area – Excell Avenue to Old Fort Drive and from 9 Mile to Tucannon.
The arterial crack seal crew is working on 3rd Avenue and Magnolia to Regal. There will be lane restriction from 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.