Ray Street is scheduled to be closed at 23rd Avenue for two weeks, starting on Monday, May 6. A signed detour route will take motorists to Freya Street.
The closure is needed for water main work related to the replacement of the Lincoln Heights Booster Station, which helps deliver water to residents and businesses located on the upper South Hill.
The $1.8 million booster station project is being funded by City of Spokane Water Department. The new station will be much more energy efficient than the existing station, which includes some pumps that are as many as 80 years old. The new station will have five pumps, compared to the eight pumps needed to do the same job today.
The closure is needed for water main work related to the replacement of the Lincoln Heights Booster Station, which helps deliver water to residents and businesses located on the upper South Hill.
The $1.8 million booster station project is being funded by City of Spokane Water Department. The new station will be much more energy efficient than the existing station, which includes some pumps that are as many as 80 years old. The new station will have five pumps, compared to the eight pumps needed to do the same job today.