Are you a college student? Do you have a child who is a student? Well, listen up, because the City of Spokane and the Spokane County Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Office have launched two new social media sites as a way to market to students alternatives to commuting to school alone.
‘UCommute’ promotes using alternative transportation for students in the Spokane University District. The program is currently working specifically with the student base at the Riverpoint campus, which represents programs from Eastern Washington University, Washington State University, Whitworth University, and the University of Washington. Students will be able to win prizes and compete for incentives by logging their reduced single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips.
UCommute has just launched both a Facebook and Twitter page, so check them out to see if you are eligible to participate. Here is a link to the Facebook page.
At the Riverpoint Campus we have bike racks next to EVERY building here, so bike on down!
STA route #29 comes right through campus every 30 minutes.
Barb Chamberlain
Director of Communications and Public Affairs
WSU Spokane
Twitter: @WSUSpokane