November 29 at 5 p.m. for utility work. A detour via Appleway will be posted.
and Conklin Intersection– Traffic signal
remains out of service through Tuesday, November 29 due to damage from an
accident. For safety and to reduce traffic congestion:
- Sprague is
reduced to one lane in each direction with a center turn lane. - Stop signs
are posted on Conklin northbound and southbound at Sprague and traffic is
limited to right turns only with no traffic crossing Sprague. - Northbound
and southbound drivers are encouraged to use Sullivan as an alternative. - Pedestrians
should use extreme caution when crossing Sprague at Conklin. - Drivers are
asked to slow down and be particularly cautious when driving through the
area. - Expect
congestion and delays.
Road Bridge Replacement Project- Expect
reductions to a single lane northbound from dawn until dusk weekdays with
turns from Indiana northbound reduced to one lane. Expect
reductions to a single lane southbound dawn until dusk Monday, November 28
through Wednesday, November 30.
No work scheduled.
37th Avenue, Regal Street to Custer Street- 37th Avenue was open for the long weekend but closes again today to finish concrete and irrigation work. The detour route is Glenrose to Palouse Highway to Regal Street. Remaining landscape work
will be completed in the spring of 2017. This work is to reconstruct the road, curbs, sidewalk, bike lanes, stormwater piping, and a 36 inch
water main.
Bridge Avenue and Monroe Street CSO Work- Summit
Blvd./Bridge Ave. is closed. Lincoln
has one northbound lane open. Lincoln southbound is closed at Broadway. This
project will construct a Combined Sewer Overflow Tank (CSO) tank and piping.
Leaf Pickup-
Packer Pickup – Finishing Hamblen area and possibly moving to the
Liberty/Lincoln area, which is South of I-90, North of 20th Ave.,
East of S.E. Blvd., and West of Ray St.
Loader –
Finished Driscoll Rt., and will start the Shadle Park area: South of
Wellesley, North of Garland, West of Wall, and East of Belt.
Pick 10 P.M. to 2:30 A.M.- Finished the Woodridge and Pacific Park areas, will be moving
to the Indian Trail Rt.: South of Johansen Rd., North of Francis, West of
Cedar St., and East of Nine Mile Rd.
Leaf Sweeping- Working in Rockwood area: South of I-90, North of 29th,
West of S.E. Blvd., East of Grand Blvd. Then moving to Hamblen:
South of 29th, North of High Dr. /54th, West of Perry
East of Perry (S. from 37th)/Cook (N. from 37th), and
West of Bernard St.
progress. This is a continuation of the Riverside Extension
Phase 1 project. This project will provide a route that eliminates several safety
issues and increases capacity into and out of the downtown area. Improvements include a
new street, utility infrastructure, storm drainage
improvements, street lighting, street trees, and re-vegetation with native
species. In lieu of sidewalks, a section of
the Ben Burr trail will be
separated from the roadway traffic and aligned parallel to the Spokane River.
Pettet Drive/TJ Meenach Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO 12) Project- Pettet Drive is closed. The clover leaf that
services TJ Meenach, Down River and Pettet Drive is in service. The leg that comes off
of Pettet northbound re-directs citizens to Northwest Blvd. Vehicles traveling southbound on Down River Drive have two options; enter onto TJ Meenach or continue under the bridge and turn
uphill to Northwest Blvd. This
project will build a 690,000 gallon storage facility and connections to
existing CSO Basin 10 outfall. Work also includes repaving of Pettet
Drive and pedestrian/bike trail construction.
Country Homes Boulevard, Wall to SR 395- Stormwater work in the raised islands, install topsoil. Look for occasional lane closures for cleanup work, expect delays, on street parking is limited.
Holcomb Road (North side of Hwy 206)- Culverts failing under the road. Detour in place. Complete Road Closure.
Geiger Blvd. Westbow Boulevard (between Thomas Mallen Road and Soda Road)- Geotechnical core drilling. Lane restrictions with flaggers.
55th Ave., Regal Ave., 57th Ave.- New Electrical Poles. Lane restrictions with flaggers until mid-December.
61st (Palouse Highway to Yale Road) and Ben Burr Road (from 57th to 65th)- Road reconstruction and Waterline installation. Road closure, detour in place.