A Stage 1 Snow declaration means that City snow removal crews will work 24 hours a day to plow all arterials, STA fixed bus routes, and all streets in the City’s residential hill routes.
Cars must be moved from all arterials and STA fixed bus routes within 6 hours, or by 11 a.m. today, Monday, Jan. 7, and on the even side of the street in the residential hill areas by 6 p.m. tonight.
Crews in Spokane Valley deiced primary and secondary arterials and hills last night and are plowing today.
They will continue monitoring conditions to respond as needed, and will coordinate with the Spokane Valley police department to address problem areas.
Spokane County crews have been working since last night to plow 2,500 miles of road and will continue to work in 12-hour shifts, using 90 pieces of equipment (de-icing and sanding trucks, plows and graders) until roads are clear and conditions improve.
This morning, crews are working to keep Priority 1 roads (emergency routes and primary arterials) clear, while trying to make progress on Priority 2 and 3 roads (secondary arterials, hilly residential, flat residential). County crews have also been sanding and de-icing hills and intersections to the north and south where higher elevations receive more snow.