Most teenagers have one criteria for what kind of car they buy: what they can afford. Parents who help their kids out with purchasing a vehicle though may probably consider some other factors- how safe and reliable a car is, plus how affordable.
Using that criteria, AAA compiled a list of top vehicles for teens. I have to admit, I was surprised at their top pick, which I drove when I was in high school many, many years ago!
Here are their recommendations.
Well cars have changing a lot since I was in school, they are much safer and less maintenance, but most repairs now need a mechanic, the backyard mechanic is really being passed by. I thought the cars they picked are good picks, but I doubt if the kids think the same as their parents.
I was trying to think what the young folks in my life drive and my niece drives a Honda Civic and my nephew a Kia, so definitely cars on the list. EXCEPT that those weren't necesarily the cars they would choose. The Civic was a hand-me-down from my sister-in-law and the Kia was purchased because it was a good deal and in a lot better shape than the other cars in my nephew's price range.
Also, agreed about the backyard mechanics. My dad used to do the 'easy' stuff on my 1987 Rabbit but refuses to even look under the hood of my '08 Honda. Says nothing looks familiar.