Okay folks, it’s your money so you should be watching where it’s spent. The draft 2011-2014 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Spokane County is now available for public review and comment.
The TIP is a funding program document that lists federally and non-federally funded transportation improvements proposed by jurisdictions in Spokane County for the next four years. It lists specific projects, project descriptions and how much each project is expected to cost.
It’s interesting reading. I’d advise you to take a look, if not to see what projects are happening in your area then at least to make sure you agree with how millions of dollars are being spent. Here’s a link to the draft TIP.
There will be a public meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 29 from 4-6 p.m. here at the SRTC office to provide members of the public to come in and look at the TIP and submit comments. Or you can submit comments by clicking here. If you like the good old fashioned U.S. Mail though, you can mail it to SRTC, 221 W. First Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA 99201. All comments must be received by 5 p.m. on Oct. 8.