Spokane City Mayor Mary Verner last week (yes, I’m running a day late and a dollar short as usual) released her mid-year report of the City’s accomplishments, and it includes several items related to road maintenance, construction, and repair.
Among other things the Mayor says the City has:
– Continued to fix streets identified in the Street Bond plan on time and on budget
– Has patched nearly 3,000 potholes that developed over the winter
– Launched a grant program to place new street trees in downtown Spokane
– Convened an ad hoc work group to prepare a plan to maintain streets reconstructed by the Street Bond plan
– Secured $2.4 million in state funds to complete street construction in the
University District
– Is evaluating subsidized bus passes for employees to reduce commute trips to City facilities
– Added hybrid vehicles to the City’s vehicle fleet
Here’s a link to the entire progress report if you’d like to read it. So what’s your opinion, how is the Mayor doing, in your opinion, when it comes to road construction/maintenance issues?