Will YOU hit the free parking lottery?
City of Spokane Parking Enforcement staff will be performing
random acts of free parking for the holiday season. Parking enforcement officers will start plugging
parking meters for unsuspecting downtown shoppers as they arrive to their
parking spot Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (normal parking meter
hours). Parking enforcement officers will randomly be providing free parking to
citizens from Friday, November 25 to Saturday, December 31.
holiday tradition encourages people to come downtown during the holiday season
to celebrate and support local businesses. Money used to plug parking meters is
donated from the City’s parking meter revenue funds.
‘Secret Santa’ parking enforcement officers only plug meters of drivers who
just pulled into a parking spot. They do NOT re-plug meters for vehicles
already parked at a metered spot. Vehicles are not allowed to remain parked at
a meter beyond the maximum time allowed by that meter, per Spokane
Municipal Code, Section 16A.61.561
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