Our staff manages to get out of the office every now and then, but even then they’re willing to take some time to help me out. One of our GIS Analysts, Sylvia, took these pictures of a megaload over the weekend on US 95 near Moscow, ID, despite a security guard giving her the hairy eye ball.

This is a ‘reduced size’ megaload, but even so, it’s not as big as I would have thought. Of course, pictures can be deceiving. The Moscow- Pullman Daily News says many of the 60 loads planned to be shipped through the area will be around 24 feet wide, 14 feet tall, 208 feet long and weighing 413,600 pounds, like this one.

Meanwhile, while looking up the latest info on the megaloads, I came across this picture, which the Lewiston Tribune has dubbed ‘Early Megaload.’

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