I know, it’s only Monday, but I’m always thinking of the weekend so here’s something to do next Saturday if you don’t have plans: The Market Street Rehabilitation Ribbon Cutting & Street Fair takes place Saturday, May 1, starting at 10:30 a.m.
The fun happens at the intersection of Market St. & Queen Ave. Mayor Mary Verner will be there to celebrate the completion of construction on Market Street! $8 million of work rehabilitated Market St. from Garland to Francis avenues and replaced the existing curbs and sidewalks. Additionally, pedestrian lighting, bike racks, and trees were installed from Heroy to Columbia avenues, Queen Ave. was repaired from Market to Haven streets; various water and sewer services were upgraded; water mains were replaced; and additional fire hydrants were installed.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the day’s celebration activities after the Market Street ribbon cutting. Some of the day’s activities include:
10:30 a.m.- Market St. ribbon cutting with Mayor Verner
11 a.m. – Community parade
Noon – Barbeque, face painting
1 p.m. – Northeast Youth Center ribbon cutting
3 p.m. – Jazz band performance
5:30 p.m. – Street dance