Spokesman-Review Letters to the editor
Freeway need is visible
It was nostalgic to read the quarter-page Opinion piece by John J. Covert (Dec. 6) listing all the reasons why we shouldn’t build the north-south freeway.
These are the same 40-year-old tired arguments that have us buying right-of-way by the square foot today, that could have been purchased by the acre 40 years ago. The “Citizens for Sensible Transportation Planning” need a reality check – like maybe stand atop Pines I-90 Interchange bridge and look down. Because we are still free here in America, you will see what we do – build freeways to move people and freight.
The first order of business at 16 is to get the driver’s license. Sprague Avenue to Division to Liberty Lake is lined with car and truck dealers. The expectation here in America is growth (economic panic without it) and like it or not, our region is no different. The construction of this freeway has been on the back of the shelf long enough. Finally we have legislative leadership that understands this priority – it must and will be built, even if it’s done one foot at a time.
Thomas C. Stewart
Liberty Lake
I agree with Mr. Stewart about the need for the NSC, but don’t believe that freedom is about moving people and freight. And yes, we do put a lot of emphasis on driving and owning nice vehicles, but I think that is starting to change. Anyone?