A heads up that Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) offices around the state will be closed on Monday, Oct. 11 for a ‘furlough’ day. The day is part of legislatively-mandated temporary layoffs due to state budget reductions. Maintenance workers will still be working but business offices will be closed, so get your WSDOT business done on Friday or you’ll have to wait until Tuesday.
The WSDOT is also asking for your thoughts on its Maintenance program. The WSDOT Maintenance division maintains our state’s highway system including:
– 20,498 highway lane miles
– more than 3,000 bridges
– 1,100 traffic signal systems
– 10 major mountain passes open all year
– Close to 50 safety rest areas
– a large fleet of roadway maintenance vehicles
It’s important that WSDOT’s maintenance goals match yours. Please take a few minutes to tell them what you think through this quick survey.