City Cable 5 will begin airing this segment on the new Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center (SRTMC) soon. The SRTMC is an interesting organization. They manage all of the traffic cameras on the interstate and now you can as well on their new web site here . You can even customize the site to view your favorite commuting route and check it for traffic issues before you leave home or work to avoid any traffic jams. Now, aren’t you glad you read our blog?

SRTMC employees are also the people who get write the messages on those electronic reader boards along the interstate. I must admit I’ve always wanted to write something on those boards. With the cameras and the boards you could really mess with people. Could you imagine passing the sign one day and reading: “Hey you…Yes you, in the white covertable. Put down the pink razor phone, flip up the makeup mirror and drive!”

What would you write on the boards?

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