Looking for a volunteer position that could help to maintain the City’s streets and sidewalks? Not the physical end of the maintenance, of course. If you are, the City of Spokane’s Transportation Benefit District (TBD)
Board is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on the citizen advisory board
that helps determine priorities for TBD funding.

Spokane’s Transportation Benefit District is an independent taxing district created to help the City better maintain its street system and pedestrian infrastructure. 

The Citizen’s Transportation Advisory Board (CTAB) includes one member from each of the City’s three City Council Districts, one at-large member, and one member each from the Citizens Street Advisory Committee (CSAC), the Pedestrian, Traffic & Transportation (PETT) Committee of the Community Assembly and the Bicycle Advisory Board (BAB).
More information on this opportunity and an application can be found on the City’s website here.
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