No plans for lunch next Thursday? Then come down to the ‘brown bag lunch session’ that will precede the SRTC Board meeting that day. The topic of the session is SRTC’s draft Strategic Plan for 2011. The plan is to ensure SRTC focuses time and attention on key transportation planning and programming activities, instead of surfing the internet all day. I just added that last part. It’s not an official description of the plan.
The brown bag session starts at 12 p.m., with the regularly-scheduled Board meeting beginning at 1 p.m., at 221 W. First Ave., Suite 310. Here’s a link to the Board meeting agenda.
The public is welcome to attend but you have to bring your own lunch because we’re a poor government agency. We will provide a translator if you need one though. You have to give us 72 hours to get one set up. Call us at 343-6370 if you need any kind of special accomodations like that.