WashingtonBikes_Horiz_LogoGood news for Spokane! We’re getting a Bicycle Alliance of Washington office right here in our city, and a full-time staff person. Until now, the only Alliance office was in Seattle. 
So why should we be excited about this? The new staffer will:
  • Stay
    on top of the many things going on that affect bicycling on our side of the state.
  • Communicate
    regularly with decision makers so biking is always on the agenda.
  • Link
    and leverage the impact of volunteer efforts.
  • Provide
    direct programs that expand community support for biking and walking.
  • Contribute
    to Spokane’s quality of life and economic growth to benefit everyone, not
    just those who ride a bicycle.
What this means for you:
  • You’ll know
    when it’s time to
    advocate so you can weigh in.
  • You’ll know
    when it’s time to
    have fun so you don’t miss out.
  • A
    stronger eastern Washington base will increase the effectiveness of our legislative
    advocacy in Olympia, with a positive effect on bicycling
    everywhere in the state.
  • We’ll
    have more and
    better bicycling in Spokane County and eastern Washington. 

Now the Alliance is asking for your help though. They would like you to become a member to help support the new Spokane office. Here’s a link to more information about the Bicycle Alliance of Washington and information on becoming a member.

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