Here at SRTC, we’re about to embark on a ‘visioning process’ to develop a long-term plan for the next 30 to 50 years. We’re in the very early stages of that, so there’s not much to tell you now, except that I’ll keep you updated.
We’re not the only ones looking a long way down the road though (sorry for the double entendre). The Washington State Transportation Commission is in the process of developing the 2011-2030 Washington Transportation Plan (WTP 2030).
It’s a big job though, so they want to hear from you on what you would like to see in the next 20+ years. Light rail? A bullet train from Spokane to Seattle? Jet packs? Flying cars? Okay, try to keep it realistic, but be sure to weigh in if you have something you’d like to see transportation-wise in the future.
The Commission has established a blog where you can do this. The blog is inteded to act as a bridge between the public and the Transportation Commission and its staff.
Here’s a link so you can voice your concerns and learn more about the Washington State Transportation Commission.