Spokesman-Review Letter to the Editor
Intersection dangerous
Regarding “U.S. 195 crossing will get exit lane” (July 27), the intersection of Meadowlane Road and U.S. 195 has almost as bad a history by now as the Cheney-Spokane Road intersection. It was the site of a recent car-motorcyle accident that killed one, if not two persons.
That intersection is very bad and clearly, as it is now, a second accident waiting to happen. When westbound on Meadowlane, the sight distance is complicated by very poor views of northbound traffic on U.S. 195, as well as from eastbound Meadowlane and northbound traffic waiting to turn either north or south on U.S. 195, not to mention southbound traffic turning east toward Qualchan or toward Eagle Ridge.
Currently, much of Eagle Ridge development uses eastbound Meadowlane, as does a par 3 golf course. From westbound Meadowlane, about 75 houses (typically 6-8 vehicle
trips per day) and Qualchan Golf Course use the intersection.
Additionally, two major churches are under construction, one on each side of U.S. 195, at this intersection. One of these churches is slated to be the site of a major day care center. All churches are the source of many day and night time meetings, additionally adding to the near-future traffic burden at this intersection.
The intersection of Meadowlane Road and U.S. 195 needs equal or more attention than Cheney-Spokane Road.
Thomas G. Mosher
I have a couple friends who live in Eagle Ridge so I’ve used Meadowlane Road many times. I thought it was a little scary but was never in fear for my life. How about you folks out there who drive through the area on a daily basis?