What’s your vision for Division Street through downtown and the University District? That’s what City Staff hopes to find out at a community workshop on Tuesday, June 25 to discuss corridor design concepts. The workshop is 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the WSU Phase 1 Classroom Building Room 122 (Auditorium), 668 N. Riverpoint Blvd.
The Division Street Gateway project identifies streetscape and transportation improvements throughout the Division Street corridor intended to improve aesthetics, functionality and safety of multi-modal transportation, and support private investment.
The project covers the Division/Browne Street and Division/Ruby Street couplets between I-90 and Sharp Avenue as well as east-west cross streets from I-90 to Sharp Avenue. Particular focus is being placed on the segment of Division between I-90 and 2nd Ave and on West Main Avenue between Browne and Pine.
Community feedback received at the workshop will contribute to the conceptual design of the corridor. More info on the project website here: http://www.divisionstgateway.com/.