Construction of a multi-lane roundabout on US 2 just west of Airway Heights begins early Thursday, August 10. When all the construction lane restrictions are in place, US 2 will have two westbound lanes and one eastbound lane for the duration of the work. Lane restrictions will be in place 24/7.
Drivers on US 2 between the Fairchild Air Force Base Main Gate and the Airway Heights city center should be alert for slow traffic and congestion, with possible delays as construction gets into full swing. Drivers with time-sensitive plans should consider adding extra time to drive through this area, especially during commute hours and shift changes at Fairchild Air Force Base.
The project is fully-funded by the Spokane Tribe.
How will this effect bicycle travel on that section of Hwy 2 during construction? Will there be space to safely navigate through the construction zone on a bicycle?
A roundabout is a very bad plan , there is so much traffic on that road, there is small towns west of airway heights on hiway 2 . I live out by deep creek and this was the first I have heard of this roundabout , I get the local Spokesman review and also listen to local radio and TV and none has been posted for public comment , I looks like the Spokane Indian tribe can do what ever they want without regards to people that use and live out in that area.
Jeannine- Thanks for your question. Construction flagging plans are required to consider all road users- drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians- when planning how to set up construction zones and detours. I’ve seen a lot of construction zones lately that have marked detours for bicyclists and pedestrians so I believe this will be done to provide safe space to get through the area on a bicycle. Conversely, I’ve seen some lately that were pretty frightening for anyone trying to get through the area any other way than in a car so if you go through this zone and see issues, let me know and we’ll see what we can do.
Thanks for the comment David. There was media coverage of this project because other people were also concerned about putting a roundabout on a highway, for the same reasons you state. However, it has been a little while since that media coverage and I do not personally know if they did a public comment period. The Tribe worked with the Washington State Department of Transportation and determined that this is the safest method for getting people through the area. After the initial period of getting people used to driving through a roundabout, hopefully it won’t be an issue as roundabouts keep traffic moving, unlike a traffic signal.
Thank you for your response. So far there has been an adequate shoulder for me to ride on.
Good to know. Keep us updated if anything changes.