We made the Journal of Business today. That’s because SRTC is starting an update to the long-range transportation program, Horizon 2040. So here’s how it works; this summer we started talking to groups of stakeholders such as planning commissioners, neighborhood representatives, healthcare workers, major employers, emergency services staff, freight movement companies, education representatives, young people and senior citizens, transit users, people who bicycle or walk for transportation, and many others. We asked them a series of questions about what is working well for transportation in our area, what isn’t, what they would like to see in the future, etc. That input will help to shape the plan. Plus, once we have a rough idea what will be in it, we will be out talking to the public MORE about Horizon 2040.
Local jurisdictions who do road construction projects will submit projects to us to be included in the plan that they consider to be priorities for their city or area. Staff will put them through a process to determine if they are considered “regionally significant” and appropriate for the plan. Unfortunately, the plan has to be “financially constrained,” meaning that we have to prove that there are funds reasonably available to cover all the projects included in Horizon 2040. That means that the plan will only include a limited number of projects.
Being included in the plan doesn’t guarantee a project will get funded though, just that it is a priority for our region. However, when applying for state or federal funds, one criteria is often being able to show that the project requesting funding is considered regionally significant, and inclusion in Horizon 2040 will do that.
Anyway, read the article, it explains a lot more about the long-range plan. Plus you will be hearing a lot about it for the next year! The Journal of Business article is here.