Those of you who are familiar with SRTC know we use tons of U.S. Census data and we LOVE census years because they mean we will be getting new, updated data soon. How MUCH do we love the Census. That’s Kevin, one of our GIS Analysts. Even the headband has the Census logo on it. 
Most everyday people don’t even think about where State
and Local governments get the information they need to make sure
programs are on track, or that local services are keeping pace with their
community’s changing demographics.
This infographic explains the important role the
American Community Survey plays in the future of America’s planning
needs. The ACS asks questions about our lives – how old we are, how much
we earn, whether we work or go to school, how much we pay in rent or on a
mortgage, whether we need assistance with daily routines, and more. These 72
questions provide an annual portrait of the nation and our
communities that America can use to assess the past and plan the future. 

So if you receive one of the ACS surveys, PLEASE fill it out. Click the graphic to view it full size.

Why We Ask

 [Source: U.S. Census Bureau]

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