A reminder that the public is invited to an open house tonight for the Wall Street paving project that will begin in June. The open house is from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at Country Homes Christian Church (8415 N. Wall St.).
The public will have an opportunity to discuss project details and the timeline with county staff.
The Wall Street project is extensive and will impact traffic in the following areas:
– Wall St. from Greta Ave. to Whitworth Dr. – June-August, 2008.
– Wall St. from Greta Ave. to Hawthorne Ave. – CLOSED from June 23-July 7, 2008.
(Wall St. from Greta Ave. to Country Homes will then be opened.)
– Country Homes to Hawthorne Ave. will remain CLOSED until July 14, 2008.
During these closures, travelers will need to use alternate routes. All other
road work will be accomplished with Wall Street open to traffic, but with lane restrictions in effect.
For more information, contact Spokane County Division of Engineering and Roads at (509) 477-3600, or visit the county website at www.spokanecounty.org/engineer.