I’m getting around to blogging very late today because we had a Vision Process Team meeting this morning to discuss the progression of the
Visioning Process that SRTC is undertaking. The meeting was pretty interesting though. I learned a lot of random new stuff, including:
– The trend is going toward smaller houses, averaging 2.2 people
– The households that do have more people are often because adult children are moving back home
– The three sectors that actually gained employees during the recession were health care, education, and government
– There are 76,000 graduate and undergraduate students within 1 1/2 hours of Spokane. That’s a lot!
– The transportation budget for the small town of Waverly, WA is $4,600 per year
Seriously though, the meeting had a lot of good discussion about where to take this process and how to get there. We talked about the assets, challenges and opportunities available in/to Spokane County, the documents that already exist that shape the way we develop transportation, and discussed local ‘trends’ regarding economic and policy context, best practices, and performance indicators.
Now, the consultant team will take back what they heard from the Visioning Process Team today and boil it down. The next step is a series of community workshops in late June. I’ll keep you in the loop about those. In the meantime, if you’d like to get on my email distribution list to receive Visioning Process updates, click here and send me your contact info. I haven’t sent out any updates yet, but we’re hoping to kick off our new website, Facebook page and Twitter account next week or the week after, so you’ll be hearing from me soon.