The Washington State Department of Transportation is making some improvements to US 2 in the Mead area and wants to tell you about it at an open house next Thursday, Aug. 3 from 5-7 p.m. at Mt. Spokane High School, 6015 E. Mt. Spokane Park Drive.
The US 2/Deer Road to Colbert Road project includes paving, sidewalk, and a median turn-lane that will be constructed this summer.
There will no formal presentation so drop by anytime between 5 and 7 p.m. During the open house, WSDOT staff will discuss the schedule for the work and construction traffic details that will affect all users of the road.
Along with the asphalt resurfacing, WSDOT conducted a corridor review to determine low-cost solutions to reduce turning collisions on the segment of US 2, between State Route 206 and Day-Mt. Spokane Road. The results indicated changes in the median turn lane, and a reduced speed limit of 45 mph, would reduce the severity and frequency of collisions in this section. The recommended median lane improvements and speed reduction are included in this project.
The project is scheduled to start in mid-August with a majority of the work, including the paving and median turn-lanes, planned to be completed this fall. Remaining items will be completed the spring of 2018.