– The Broadway realignment project is substantially complete. The project realigned the Broadway Ave. connection to Freya St. to one block south to Alki Ave. Detail work is still being completed, so drivers should be prepared for minor delays for a couple more weeks. The $2.1 million project was funded with money from federal sources and City funds.

– The intersection at Sprague Ave. and Freya St. will be reduced by one lane through Wednesday, Oct. 29.

– Northwest Blvd. from Maple to Ash streets will be reduced by one lane until Sunday, Oct. 19. The closure is needed to repair concrete panels that did not meet the City’s construction standards.

– SR902, near W. Gieger Blvd. in Airway Heights, will have lane closures and obstructions while crews work on the Fairchild Water Transmission Main. Flaggers will be in place.

The following projects were completed by the City in 2008:

· Maple and Ash Streets from Broadway Avenue to Northwest Boulevard
· Hatch road from 54th to 43rd avenues
· Driscoll Blvd. from Alberta to Assembly streets
· Wall St. from Wellesely to Francis avenues
· Spokane Falls Blvd. from Washington to Browne streets
· Belt St. Residential project
· Third Ave. residential project

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