The City of Spokane Plan Commission will hold a public hearing on Transportation Impact Fees tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 22, at 6 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in of City Hall, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Transportation Impact Fees are authorized under the state’s Growth Management Act and are intended to require new growth and development to pay a proportionate share of the cost of new public facilities needed to serve those new developments.
The Spokane City Council adopted Transportation Impact Fees in late 2008, but the fees haven’t been implemented because certain requirements included by the Council in that 2008 vote have not been met. The Council required final adjustments to the fees’ rate schedule and the adoption of an additional source of permanent funding to pay for transportation funding before the fees would be implemented.
In its Sept. 22 hearing, the Plan Commission will consider an amended version of the Transportation Impact Fee ordinance. The Commission is expected to consider a new project list and fee schedule as well as the fee exemptions that were established.
Eventually, the Transportation Impact Fee issue is expected to be reconsidered by the City Council.