Tomorrow is the deadline to apply to be on SRTC’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC), so get in gear if you haven’t submitted an application yet and you plan to.
SRTC is the lead agency for all of Spokane County when it comes to making transportation decisions. Our Board is made up of elected officials and others from all around the area who take on the big transportation issues and set policies.
The TAC advises the Board on the agency’s plans, programs and activities, helps develop and review transportation policies, and provides transparency and a community perspective. TAC Members represent the general public and groups including, but not limited to, people with disabilities, senior citizens, youth, the business and freight moving communities, traditional automobile users and advocates for non-motorized transportation or public transit.
We particularly need women to apply.
TAC members serve three year terms and the group meets six times a year, every other month.
TAC applications and more information on the committee are available at The application period ends at 4 p.m. tomorrow, November 10.