Spokane County: – Spokane County crews have had to repeatedly return to plowing/sanding emergency routes, primary arterials and secondary roads (in that order). And while some neighborhood areas have been plowed at least once, others are still waiting. Current conditions are further complicated by warmer temperatures that have melted the floor of compact snow and ice. As motorists break through, vehicles become stuck in the churned up slush and/or rutted surfaces.
Currently, County crews are using approximately 80 pieces of equipment and will move into residential areas later today. This morning, the County authorized hiring private contractors to assist in clearing residential areas.
For more information on County snow removal, go to their website here.
Spokane City: The City of Spokane is declaring a new Stage 2 Snow Emergency today, Dec. 2, which means crews will work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until they complete a full City plow that includes all residential areas.
Within 12 hours—or by 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 2—citizens must move their cars so they are parked on the even side of the street within the residential area. Parking is restricted in downtown between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. to facilitate plowing there. And no parked cars are allowed on arterials or STA fixed bus routes.
Last night’s rain and heavy snow mix converted snow-packed secondary arterials and residential streets into a slushy mess with deep ruts. The City’s truck plows are having a difficult time moving the heavy material so the City will need to rely more on graders. The City has 10 graders in its fleet and is calling in a dozen private contractors with graders to help with the effort. They also are looking into renting graders.
To check the progress of City plows, go to the City website. You can type in your address to get a closer look at your area.
I said before it was a waste of time to send truck plows to our neighborhood, we needed the graders the first time and then they would not have needed this second plowing.
Same here Charles. We were plowed just yesterday but today the remaining four inches of compacted snow was like driving through mashed potatoes. Too bad the City wasn't rich and could hire someone who just drives around ahead of the plows to determine what kind of plowing would be best for each street. Ahhh… if only.
They are plowing the North South Streets in Section 8 this morning. Doing a good job, right down to the pavement in the middle, and the trucks are trying to keep the intersections open.
Nice! That's good, because people are starting to get extremely on edge. One of our admin staff couldn't get into the office yesterday and was very upset and I've been hearing from others who say their streets haven't been plowed at all yet, since the storms started two weeks ago. This lull in the weather should give crews enough time to get through all the routes at least once before more weather comes in. Unfortunately the grating/plowing has ruined my sledding hill but it's a sacrifice I'm okay with.
They just plowed the street in front of me, except for the abandoned car next door. They got a second move order for it. The first one was a week or so before the first snow. Too bad they did not take the first move order seriously.
I am on a corner and hoping they do the street beside me soon. My driveway opens on to the paved alley, so I am hoping they don't bury it too deep.
You've had your street plowed TWICE now Charles?? You must know someone on the inside considering some people haven't had their streets plowed once yet. I had to make a trip to a neighborhood just off of 195 this afternoon and it was UGLY. The homeowner we went to talk with pointed out two spots where both the garbage and recycle trucks got stuck.
I called my sister just after I finished shoveling and they had just plowed her for the first time this year. She is in district 6 north of Mission.
Yes this is the second time, but the first time was really a joke, the truck plows did very little on the packed down middle of the street. I am in district 9 just north of Rogers High School and on a school bus route both ways.