We didn’t know this yesterday when we posted the thread below, but it appears that The InlandRail web site went live this morning, and man, it’s an interesting read. Not only is this group focused on a new and improved light rail concept but their goals and objectives are much broader in scope. Check them out here.
As we mentioned in the post below, the skyrocketing price of fuel is reason enough to give light rail another look. And it looks like the InlandRail board of directors has done just that. They are now advocating for an electrified Light Rail Transit system rather than diesel powered, and the first leg would go from the Spokane County Fairgrounds west to the airport. The second leg would go from Liberty Lake to downtown Coeur d’Alene.
What about the Spokane Valley, you ask?
Well, I’ll just let InlandRail’s “vision” page explain that one. Read what they have to say about the Valley and STA under the “Other Thoughts” heading.
What do you think? Is it time? Will this new non-profit be able to pull it off?
Not only do I think light rail transit time has come, I think the Old Mikwaukee Road corridor should be used for laght rail and greenbelt only. We DO NOT need another street/road thru the Valley corridor. Spokane Metro area could be in the forefront of the proposed Old Milwaukee Road Trail from Chicago to Seattle. The proposal has two options;
1. Go thru Spokane County or,
2. Go thru Tekeo and Whitman County.
Having it go thru Spokane would generate tax revenues thru tourism.
We need to push forward ASAP with light rail before it becomes the North Spokane Freeway.
Lght rail is needed…lets be pro-active, not reactive!
“Spokane Metro area could be in the forefront of the proposed Old Milwaukee Road Trail from Chicago to Seattle.”
Hey Richard, do you have any more information on that project? Could you supply me with a web site address? I’d be interested in looking into that and possibly blogging about it this week.
Hi Jeff,
You can find more info about the Old Milwaukee Road Trail at Rails to Trails website; http://www.railstrails.org
Would love to have a light rail system (east-west) with bike/walkway trails (greenbelt), instead of another road/street.
How high do gasoline prices have to go before we plan for alternative transportation that is affordable, sustainable, and supportive of the Growth Management Act?
A majority of Spokane County residents are supportive of rail transit but the Spokane Transit Authority Board of Directors discontinued the work on light rail as “too proactive and ahead of its time”.
All we are asking is that PLANNING for light rail transit resume so the region is postured to implement a system whenever the time is right for implementation.
Ironically, the former STA Light Rail Steering Committee calculated that the annual cost of delaying light rail is more than the annual cost of operating a light rail system.
It is time to conduct preliminary engineering for a south valley route between Spokane and Liberty Lake. We should also start NOW on planning the route to connect Spokane’s downtown business district with the Spokane International Airport.
What IS in STA’s comprehensive transit plan “2020”, if not provisions for a regional high-capacity rail transit system?