The Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center (SRTMC) is going to be a busy place this week. There will be some camera outages Monday night and Tuesday and the SRTMC will be the subject of a special ‘brown bag luncheon’ for the SRTC Board on Thursday.
ALL SRTMC live traffic camera feeds will be down for a short time tonight. The outage is scheduled so electricians can perform system updates. Work starts around 8 p.m. and last from four to six hours. The camera outage could occur anytime during that period, but is only expected to last for 15 to 20 minutes.
Tomorrow (Tuesday), all the cameras showing the North Spokane Corridor will be down so that crews can fix part of the system that has been damaged. Work starts around noon but it’s not clear yet at what time the cameras will be taken out of commission, or how long they will be out. All other cameras, except the NSC cameras, will be working.
On Thursday, you’re all invited to come down to SRTC to eat lunch with us and learn more about the SRTMC. The brown bag lunch session will precede the regularly-scheduled SRTC Board meeting. Lunch starts at 12 p.m., with the meeting following at 1 p.m. Both will be held in the SRTC conference room 221 W. First Ave., Suite 310.
Everyone is welcome to attend but we can’t feed everyone so bring your own lunch.