Let’s pull out the crystal ball, or Magic 8 Ball if you have one, and look into the faraway future of transportation- let’s say the year 2013. Okay, that’s only about a month away but when you sometimes can’t remember the day before, it seems like an eternity.
And with a new Federal transportation bill, MAP-21, and new leaders following the election, the new year could be a whole new world for transportation. Or not. That’s the problem, there are still a lot of questions about where we’re headed.
So as 2012 comes to a close, Governing’s FedWatch explores six questions worth asking including:
- Is the gas tax still untouchable?
- What does new committee leadership mean?
- Is Ray LaHood in or out? (this is my favorite. Been waiting a while to hear about this)
- Can states continue to pick up the slack?
- Could tax reform be troublesome for infrastructure financing?
- Does the White House take a lead on infrastructure?
What? You thought I was going to actually answer those questions here? Sorry but Iyou’re going to have to read the article yourself to get the answers.