Spokesman-Review Letters to the editor
Valley knows pothole repair

You want to talk about pothole repair? Well, I’ll tell you about my experience with the city of Spokane Valley. On Feb. 14 I called and asked the operator who took care of pothole repair. She said that would be her. I told her about two potholes on David Road just north of Fourth Avenue on the southbound lane. Now this road is not traveled very heavily, so I figured it would be a case of when we get around to it. I called about 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. When I came home at 3:30 or so, those potholes were filled. Kudos to the city of Spokane Valley for their pothole repair.

Ed Weilep
Spokane Valley

Anyone else have pothole props? I reported one to a City employee a few weeks ago who was in our office at the time. The next day, the pothole was gone! That’s quick work.

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