System Resiliency Assessment Cover

Resiliency Plan

The Resiliency Plan assesses the impact of natural and human-caused disruptions to the Spokane region’s transportation system. This includes the system’s ability to anticipate, prepare, recover, and adapt to changing conditions after a major disruptive event.

The Resiliency Plan evaluates risks, hazard scenarios and potential impacts to transportation infrastructure and connections to critical facilities (such as hospitals). The Plan contains recommended planning steps, strategies, and actions to improve system resiliency and strengthen key transportation facilities. These findings and recommendations will be used by SRTC and local jurisdictions in Spokane County to advance future projects, programs, and plans. As a next step, it will be incorporated into a regional transportation needs assessment in early 2025.

The Resiliency Plan was approved by the SRTC Board of Directors on December 12, 2024.

Final Resiliency Plan

Related Transportation Planning Efforts

Smart Mobility

This plan was conducted simultaneously with the Resiliency assesment. Smart Mobility assess transportation technology capabilities and overlaps with the findings of this study.
Learn more about Smart Mobility

Horizon 2050

Both Resiliency and Smart Mobility are initial assesments that will help inform the update of SRTC’s long-range plan, Horizon 2050. This plan looks 20 years into the future to identify significant transportation projects and investments, as well as potential regional growth and challenges.
Learn more about Horizon 2050


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