The state Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) is looking for volunteers to serve on its Recreational Trails Program advisory committee. Specifically, there is one position each open for:
All-terrain vehicle recreationists
Four-wheel drive vehicle recreationists
The advisory committee evaluates grant applications from federal, local, and state agencies and non-profit organizations for projects that maintain backcountry trails. Funds also are available for educational programs and materials. Members also assist with program policy development as needed.
The ideal person for these positions usually has a statewide perspective, is or has been an active trail enthusiast, and has the resources to participate fully in committee activities.
Appointed members will serve from February 2011 to December 2014 and attend about one weekday meeting a year. In addition, advisors spend 15 to 25 hours each year evaluating grant applications for funding.
When the budget allows, travel expenses are paid for citizen members or government members not otherwise reimbursed.
The application can be found here. It must be returned by Dec. 15, 2010.