So listen up out there any of you folks reading this that work for social service agencies; SRTC is issuing a call for projects for public transit transportation programs. Spokane Transit Authority (STA) is the designated recipient for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Transportation for Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities, Section 5316 Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) and Section 5317 New Freedom funding for the Spokane Urbanized Area (UZA). As the Metropolitan Planning Orgnanization for Spokane County, SRTC is responsible for developing and administering the competitive grants process to award those funds.

You don’t have to be a transportation agency to apply for money from any of those programs though. Any agency that provides transportation (such as community centers that provide rides to the center, etc.) may be eligible. Your project just has to fit the following criteria:

This Call for Projects will determine the final list of projects for these sources of funding. For more information or an application, go to

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