– The intersection of Perry St. and Ninth Ave. is closed to motorists until about mid-week. Also, Ninth Ave. from Perry to Julia streets remains closed. Signs will be in place and motorists may want to use Ray/Thor Streets as an alternate route.
The closures are needed as part of the Hartson Ave. Water Transmission Main project. That project, funded by the 10-Year Street Bond and City Water Department, will replace a water transmission main in Hartson and 11th avenues from Havana to Sherman streets. The project will also repair the following streets: 11th Ave. from Altamont Blvd. to Julia St. and N. Altamont Blvd. from 11th to Ninth avenues; and Ninth Ave. from Perry to Julia streets.
– The intersection of South Riverton Ave. and Altamont St. will be closed to motorists starting today and will continue for about a month. Also, S. Riverton Ave. from Cook to Stone streets; and Altamont St. from Marshall Ave. to the alley will have local access only. Signs will be in place and motorists may want to use Marshall Ave. as an alternate route. The closures are needed to modify the existing Combined Sewer Overflow facility to prevent multiple discharges to the river.