We love those guys over at City Cable 5. They asked me if I needed anything publicized, I said yes, and they cranked out this snazzy piece on our Spokane County Pedestrian Plan in no time.
After almost a year of partnering with the Spokane Regional Health District, we’ve come up with a draft of the Spokane Regional Pedestrian Plan. The goal of the plan is to create a pedestrian system to increase walking for transportation and improve the health of our community, while meeting the needs of pedestrians in our area.
The plan can be reviewed by clicking here. Comments can be submitted by clicking here. You have to have them submitted by Oct. 12 though.
WOW! That is pretty Snazzy! What a great plug.
And the best part is that they will play it repeatedly on channel 5 for 30 days during September/October. No one actually claims to watch Channel 5, but everytime I've interviewed for pieces on it, I have heard from tons of people who say they saw me on TV.
Great piece. But snazzy? Are you 65 or what? Who talks like that? Yes, I watch channel 5.
The bossman won't let me swear on this blog so I have to be creative. Next time I'll say 'check out this bad $#@ piece that Cable 5 put together for us. They're some bad (*&^%$#@!%$^& over there at Channel 5.' Or maybe not, I kind of like my job 🙂
Now that sounds like a snazzy way to intro a video!
Very nice!
I love how MR./Ms. ANONYMOUS can talk smack about the old fogies. Young whipper snapper.